Cus­toms clear­ance for com­pany vehicles

Did you know that, as of 1 May 2015, it is strictly against the law for people liv­ing in the EU to drive Swiss com­pany cars for private use in EU countries?

We’re happy to advise you on how to keep with­in the law.

Con­sequences for non-compliance
– The imme­di­ate con­fis­ca­tion of the vehicle
– A fine (up to 25% of the value of the car)
– At the least, a charge against the driver under private law
– In addi­tion, a demand for the imme­di­ate pay­ment of VAT

Option A
You for­bid your employ­ees any private use of the vehicle (includ­ing stops on the way home or to work such as shop­ping, post­ing a let­ter, etc.) and make this con­trac­tu­ally binding.

Option B
In order to make it leg­al for your employ­ee to drive the vehicle for per­son­al use in the EU, register the vehicle with cus­toms “for trans­fer into free circulation”.

Does your com­pany have a fleet of at least 5 vehicles, and does it employ staff resid­ing in the EU who use Swiss com­pany vehicles?

If you have fur­ther ques­tions con­cern­ing cus­toms, don’t hes­it­ate to get in touch with us. We look for­ward to your call on +41 44 496 80 05.

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