Full-ser­vice leasing:

Your bene­fits at a glance

At MF Fleet­man­age­ment, full-ser­vice leas­ing always starts with a require­ments ana­lys­is. With the cus­tom­er, our vehicle fleet experts dis­cuss the philo­sophy behind the oper­a­tion of the fleet and how its ser­vi­cing can be optim­ised. It is always import­ant to cla­ri­fy what is most import­ant for the com­pany and the motiv­a­tion behind it. These can be factors sur­round­ing the optim­isa­tion of costs and the out­sourcing, but soft factors, such as employ­ee motiv­a­tion or improv­ing the repu­ta­tion through a more attract­ive fleet, can also play a role.


Attract­ive interest rates on cap­it­al and our mod­u­lar prin­ciple enable the flex­ible plan­ning and con­fig­ur­a­tion of the vehicle fleet. The inter­faces are adap­ted to the indi­vidu­al cus­tom­er requirements.


The out­sourcing of the vehicle fleet optim­ises the acquis­i­tion, fin­an­cing and man­age­ment of com­pany vehicles. Through the reg­u­lar ana­lyses by our spe­cial­ists, the vehicle fleet is optim­ised on a con­tinu­ous basis and costs are saved.


Our mod­u­lar prin­ciple allows for a solu­tion which is tailored to the customer’s require­ments. In this respect, the cus­tom­er determ­ines the indi­vidu­al com­pos­i­tion of the indi­vidu­al ser­vice modules.


We work inde­pend­ently of brands and with all ser­vice pro­viders in the Swiss mar­ket. Our long-stand­ing part­ner­ships allow you to bene­fit from excel­lent pur­chas­ing conditions.

What we understand full service to mean

At MF Fleet­man­age­ment, full ser­vice means cus­tom­ers have a com­pet­ent part­ner by their side who can take care of all fleet-related issues. For this reas­on, the full-ser­vice leas­ing at MF Fleet­man­age­ment is struc­tured as a mod­u­lar sys­tem in which dif­fer­ent ser­vices can be com­bined on an indi­vidu­al basis. This means we con­sist­ently offer our cus­tom­ers the optim­al depth of ser­vice and can respond to their require­ments with flexibility.

We keep a con­stant eye on our cus­tom­ers’ vehicle fleets and reg­u­larly com­pare the planned use with the actu­al use. If a change of use means that oth­er vehicles would be more suit­able, we dis­cuss this with our cus­tom­ers. We also search for suit­able cars for bene­fit mod­els and sup­port cus­tom­ers with the selec­tion of mod­els. This means that the right vehicles are always avail­able to the cus­tom­ers and they don’t miss out on any poten­tial savings.

And our full-ser­vice leas­ing also offers oppor­tun­it­ies for mak­ing sav­ings dur­ing the ongo­ing oper­a­tions. As a major Swiss buy­er in the vehicles sec­tor, we obtain exclus­ive pur­chas­ing con­di­tions, which means we can offer our ser­vices to cus­tom­ers at very attract­ive prices.

Our mod­u­lar system

The leas­ing offer which is the exact fit for your company.

In prin­ciple, here at MF Fleet­man­age­ment, we are able to com­plete all of the tasks sur­round­ing the man­age­ment and main­ten­ance of a vehicle fleet. From the fin­an­cing through to the vehicle cus­toms clear­ance for cross-bor­der com­muters. Of course, the cus­tom­er decides which of these ser­vices should ulti­mately be used. How­ever, we know from dec­ades of exper­i­ence that com­bin­ing cer­tain mod­ules is par­tic­u­larly attractive.


We not only sup­port you with the selec­tion of suit­able vehicles, we can also offer you attract­ive cor­por­ate interest rates for the financing.

Ser­vi­cing & maintenance

With the “Ser­vi­cing & Main­ten­ance” mod­ule, main­ten­ance at all Swiss brand agen­cies is billed con­veni­ently through your ser­vice pro­vider account. We check all invoices for you and handle the enforce­ment of war­ranty and good­will claims.


Our bulk buy­er agree­ments with lead­ing tyre retail­ers mean that you can travel with the right tyres at the right price and at any time of the year. Wheth­er tyre change, stor­age or tyre replace­ment – with our part­ners, you are in good hands. Bene­fit from a nation­wide net­work of retailers.


You can also fill up with your ser­vice pro­vider account: choose up to three pre­ferred fuel part­ners, and fill up on a con­veni­ent, cash-free basis through­out Switzer­land. Do you make reg­u­lar trips abroad? No prob­lem, the gar­ages of our part­ners, BP and Shell, are at your disposal.

Mobil­ity guarantee

Regard­less of when or how: if there is a prob­lem with your vehicle, we will pick you up and arrange for a replace­ment vehicle. Just call our 24-hour ser­vice line, and we will take care of everything else. And if your com­pany car should ever break down in Spain: don’t worry. We will organ­ise a replace­ment vehicle and pick you and your car up. Without any extra costs.

Online report­ing

Secure your own pic­ture of the costs and devel­op­ment of your vehicle fleet at any time. With the online fleet report­er, it is easy for you to cre­ate eval­u­ations in your pre­ferred dis­play format. We will be pleased to provide you with a demon­stra­tion of our online report­ing at an in-per­son visit.

Ser­vice Card

With our Ser­vice Card, you have a Europe-wide mobil­ity guar­an­tee and can pay for fuel, flu­ids (oil, screen wash, etc.) as well as ser­vi­cing work and repairs cash-free, and settle them each month via your ser­vice pro­vider account.

Optional modules

Road tax

Our fleet spe­cial­ists man­age the pay­ment of your road tax. We also make sure that regis­tra­tions and de-regis­tra­tions with the author­it­ies are made on time and that pay­ments are settled peri­od­ic­ally over the term of contract.


Bene­fit from the cooper­a­tion with our part­ner insur­ance com­pany, Alli­anz Suisse Ver­sicher­ungs­gesell­schaft AG. We will be pleased to obtain indi­vidu­al offers for you that are cus­tom­ised to your require­ments and the ini­tial situ­ation. Our spe­cial­ists will man­age the entire risks and claims management.

Vehicle cus­toms clearance

Would you like to give an employ­ee who is res­id­ent in the EU the oppor­tun­ity to use their vehicle for private pur­poses without restric­tion? We will be pleased to man­age the vehicle cus­toms clear­ance from A‑Z and to advise you in advance on a non-bind­ing basis

Oth­er services

Make use of our wide-ran­ging know-how in excep­tion­al situ­ations. We will also be pleased to advise you on cur­rent top­ics such as FABI, IFRS 16 as well as oth­er top­ics that could be rel­ev­ant to you and your vehicle fleet.

You don’t need a com­pon­ent from our full-ser­vice offer do you?

No prob­lem, with our mod­u­lar struc­ture we can put an indi­vidu­al pack­age togeth­er from our ser­vices which cor­res­ponds to your requirements.

Arrange a consultation

Set­tle­ment of the full ser­vice benefits

You pay only for what you need.

Your indi­vidu­al full-ser­vice leas­ing rate con­sists of the price of the vehicle (plus option­al extras if neces­sary) and the oper­at­ing costs, which we cal­cu­late and settle for you via your ser­vice pro­vider account. In full-ser­vice leas­ing, the costs of main­ten­ance and tyres as well as fuel, for example, are man­aged through this account.

With our many years of exper­i­ence and an excel­lent data­base, we can tell you which costs you will be facing in the years to come for each mod­el of vehicle. This amount will be settled on a con­tinu­ous basis togeth­er with the costs of the vehicle itself. You will receive an eval­u­ation of our fore­cast and the actu­al costs every quarter. You there­fore know where you stand at all times.

At the end of the term, the actu­al costs incurred are off­set against the leas­ing instal­ments already paid. We gen­er­ally make our cal­cu­la­tions so that you receive a cred­it note and don’t have to make any addi­tion­al payments.

You always know where you stand with us

No hid­den costs – com­plete transparency

From the offer to the final settlement

Why lease rather than rent?

Full-ser­vice leas­ing means that we provide you with a vehicle that you can use as if it were your own for a 12 to 60 month peri­od. You are – in con­trast to rent­ing – com­pletely free in your choice of mod­els and don’t have to adapt to a new car on a reg­u­lar basis. With our leas­ing mod­els, you can also elim­in­ate terms such as returns and extra costs from your vocabulary.

When you choose our leas­ing mod­el, you know exactly what to expect with the monthly instal­ment through­out the term of con­tract. As spe­cial­ists for car and com­mer­cial vehicle fleets in Switzer­land, we main­tain an over­view of all the costs that arise in con­nec­tion with a vehicle fleet. With our many years of exper­i­ence, we can cal­cu­late the aver­age oper­at­ing costs of the vehicles that you choose without any prob­lems. On this basis, we pre­pare an indi­vidu­al leas­ing offer for you. The respect­ive con­di­tions, interest and costs are agreed at the start and remain the same through­out the term of the lease. This makes you mobile over the long term and can plan for the long term.

Indi­vidu­ally-adap­ted com­mer­cial vehicles

Long-term plan­ning is a strong argu­ment for car fleets. With com­mer­cial vehicles, it weighs even heav­ier. After all, let­ter­ing and indi­vidu­al install­a­tions or con­ver­sions are only worth­while if they are car­ried out over a cor­res­pond­ing term. Full-ser­vice leas­ing provides the basic con­di­tions for a fleet of vehicles which is tailored to the needs of your employ­ees and con­trib­utes to the suc­cess of your com­pany. This means that you can con­cen­trate fully on your core business.


When is leasing worthwhile for companies?

Leasing is an option which is worthwhile for small companies. In contrast to acquisition, no capital is tied up in leasing. In many places, a leasing model offers potential savings – for example, with the financing or maintenance – and the costs of the fleet can be planned over the long term. This allows companies to concentrate on their core competencies while specialists take care of the fleet.

What are the tax implications of leasing?

The costs of commercial leasing are tax deductible. Leasing is therefore a popular form of financing for Swiss companies. In addition to this, the monthly costs can be planned over the long term, and no capital is tied up in the vehicle fleet.

What does leasing without a down payment mean?

Leasing without a down payment means that no special payment is due at the contract start. You pay only your monthly instalments during the term of the contract. However, these are usually slightly higher than they are for leasing versions with a down payment.

How does commercial leasing work?

Commercial leasing works like private leasing but on a larger scale. According to the chosen level of service, the leasing partner makes a respective offer for the required cars, including the expected operating costs. The settlement is based on a monthly fixed rate and a variable service provider account for use-dependent costs, such as fuel.

What do you need for commercial leasing?

Fleet leasing can be claimed by companies that are included in the trade register. This does not include sole proprietorships. Therefore, leasing is suitable for any company with a fleet of five or more vehicles (or potential for > five vehicles). However, the lessor may require certain proof – among others, to carry out a credit check.

How long do full-service leasing contracts run?

Terms of between 12 and 60 months are frequently common. However, most companies choose a term of 36 or 48 months. Commercial vehicles tend to have a longer term than passenger cars, as the vehicles are usually also labelled and individually equipped.

Can the leasing be terminated sooner?

The full-service framework agreement can be terminated at any time with three months’ notice. The individual contracts for the vehicles end on the date defined therein, and cannot be terminated prematurely without incurring costs. However, if the terminated individual contract is followed by a new follow-up contract, many leasing partners generally grant early termination as a gesture of goodwill.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to learn more about our offer? Please do not hes­it­ate and call us. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.


Massimili­ano Vena