MF Fleetmanagement: Your business leasing partner

We have decades of experience in the field of business leasing in Switzerland and know exactly what our clients in various industries need. We attach importance to comprehensive consulting and are happy to help you determine what solution is best for your fleet.

Stream­line your costs

Busi­ness leas­ing saves not only equity. With our full-ser­vice leas­ing, you won’t miss any oppor­tun­ity to save on your fleet.

Find the per­fect vehicles

Our work is brand-inde­pend­ent. We can offer you vehicles from all man­u­fac­tur­ers avail­able in Switzer­land – and that at favour­able conditions!

Stay flex­ible

We can offer you a flex­ible mod­u­lar mod­el that can be indi­vidu­ally adap­ted to your require­ments and read­jus­ted at any time.

Allow us to advise you!

We have many years of exper­i­ence with busi­ness leas­ing and are at your ser­vice for any ques­tions you may have.

Make an appointment

Company car leasing from the expert


We are full-ser­vice leas­ing spe­cial­ists. This means: We take care of all mat­ters relat­ing to your fleet: from the needs ana­lys­is at the time of fleet pro­cure­ment to ser­vi­cing and tyres right up to return­ing and selling the vehicles.

Some­times it might be advis­able to out­source just a part of the tasks in con­nec­tion with com­pany car leas­ing. And in such cases we can also offer you attract­ive packages.

Attract­ive leas­ing vehicles

Wheth­er you’re look­ing for a sol­id basic vehicle with good stand­ard fea­tures, an elec­tric vehicle, or a van: We always have attract­ive offers in our fleet deals.

Good fin­an­cing offers

Not only do we offer vehicles tailored to your needs, but we also offer cor­por­ate cli­ents attract­ive interest rates for fin­an­cing. Get in touch with us and let us advise you without any obligation!

Your fleet management in the best possible hands

With our well-organ­ised fleet man­age­ment, you will bene­fit from the best con­di­tions and reduce your admin­is­trat­ive work. We are happy to take care of the pro­cure­ment and man­age­ment of your fleet and the ongo­ing mobil­ity and insurances.


How does business leasing work?

Business leasing (commercial leasing) works just like private leasing. A company “hires” a passenger car and pays the monthly rate for a set term. In contrast to private leasing, the monthly rate can also contain service elements.

What kind of companies can make use of business leasing?

Business leasing is suitable for joint-stock companies and limited liability companies as well as public organisations and administrations. This does not include sole proprietorships managed by the owner.

What requirements need to be met for business leasing?

Business leasing is geared to companies entered in the trade register. Sole proprietorships are not eligible. As a rule, the lessor requires specific documents as proof of credit standing.

What are the advantages of business leasing?

Business leasing offers tax benefits, saves equity, and makes fleet expenditures plannable. Furthermore: Leasing ensures that a fleet always has the latest models.

What is commercial leasing?

Commercial leasing or business leasing means that a company uses an asset such as a car and pays a regular fee for it.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to learn more about our offer? Don’t hes­it­ate. Give us a call. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.


Massimili­ano Vena

How do you like our busi­ness leas­ing offers?