Fleet management from MF Fleetmanagement

Here at MF Fleetmanagement, fleet management means more than just straightforward outsourcing. Why? There are three strong arguments:

Being able to focus on your core areas of expertise

With us as your part­ner, suit­able and flaw­less vehicles are always avail­able to you and your employ­ees. And: you no longer have to worry about the details, such as main­ten­ance or tyre changes. With our ser­vice-card, you can also fill up on a cash-free basis at sev­er­al part­ner pet­ro­leum busi­nesses and settle your expenses via your ser­vice account.

Bene­fit from plan­ning cap­ab­il­ity and transparency

We cal­cu­late the optim­um rate for your fleet man­age­ment in advance, con­sider everything which is neces­sary to ensure smooth oper­a­tions, and also offer you com­plete fin­an­cial trans­par­ency. This way, you always know where you stand and which costs will arise over the years to come.

Use poten­tial sav­ings sur­round­ing your vehicle fleet

We ana­lyse your vehicle fleet on a con­tinu­ous basis and inform you of the pos­sib­il­it­ies for mak­ing optim­isa­tions and sav­ings. Then there is the fact that we buy main­ten­ance ser­vices or tyres at whole­sale con­di­tions. This is some­thing you can also bene­fit from.

Talk to us!

We have many years of exper­i­ence in vehicle fleet man­age­ment in Switzer­land and are at your ser­vice for any ques­tions you may have dur­ing the devel­op­ment and oper­a­tion of a vehicle fleet.

Arrange a consultation

Our offers in the area of fleet management

Here at MF Fleet­man­age­ment, we focus on full-ser­vice leas­ing and the com­plete out­sourcing of the fleet, includ­ing ser­vices and the fin­an­cing of the vehicles. Exper­i­ence has shown that this offers the greatest poten­tial sav­ings for the cus­tom­er, as everything is from one single source and no avoid­able double charges are incurred. Not to be over­looked: as a major Swiss buy­er in the vehicles sec­tor, we obtain exclus­ive pur­chas­ing con­di­tions, which means we can offer our ser­vices to cus­tom­ers at very attract­ive prices.

In addi­tion to clas­sic full-ser­vice leas­ing, how­ever, there are also scen­ari­os in which it makes sense to decide on pure fleet man­age­ment or altern­at­ive vari­ants. It goes without say­ing that you can always book addi­tion­al fleet ser­vices at a later point in time. The altern­at­ive fleet man­age­ment solu­tions include:

Man­age­ment only

Man­age­ment only is based on the prin­ciple of full-ser­vice leas­ing, but the vehicles are owned by the less­ee rather than being fin­anced extern­ally by MF. The only thing to be out­sourced to MF Fleet­man­age­ment is the pro­fes­sion­al vehicle man­age­ment. This product is suit­able for com­pan­ies that have suf­fi­cient liquid­ity to fin­ance the vehicles them­selves. Fre­quent reas­ons for the out­sourcing of the fleet man­age­ment are a lack of intern­al resources, inad­equate know-how and the lack of a vehicle-spe­cif­ic net­work of relationships.

Fin­ance only

Fin­ance only enables the cus­tom­er to buy and fin­ance vehicles through MF Fleet­man­age­ment. The peri­od of use is determ­ined at 12 to 60 months, and the vehicle is ulti­mately returned to MF Fleet­man­age­ment at its agreed resid­ual value, tak­ing its mileage and its con­di­tion into account. The pur­chas­ing of the vehicle at the end of the lease is not inten­ded accord­ing to the con­tract. In many cases, the fin­ance only product marks the start of a cooper­a­tion, and on sev­er­al occa­sions, leads to a changeover to the full-ser­vice leas­ing variant.

Sales & Leaseback

With a sale-and-lease­back, MF Fleet­man­age­ment acquires an exist­ing fleet of vehicles at mar­ket or book value. With a sale-and-lease­back, the cus­tom­er can choose wheth­er s/he wants to arrange the straight­for­ward fin­an­cing or also the man­age­ment of the vehicles as a product. Sale-and-lease­back is an inter­est­ing starter solu­tion for the cus­tom­er, and usu­ally leads to a situ­ation in which new pur­chases are fin­anced and/or man­aged with the clas­sic products.

Why fleet management from MF Fleetmanagement

Our USPs at a glance

  • High degree of transparency
  • Indi­vidu­al and flex­ible cus­tom­er care
  • An exper­i­enced man­age­ment team and long-stand­ing pro­fes­sion­al employees
  • Very good net­work­ing with import­ers, part­ners & suppliers
  • Strong escal­a­tion man­age­ment with feed­back with­in 48 hours
  • Quarterly report­ing on fleet over­view and half-yearly dam­age statistics
  • Annu­al after-sales vis­it for the con­tinu­ous optim­isa­tion of your vehicle fleet & cla­ri­fic­a­tion of any new requirements
  • Integ­ra­tion in the effi­cient Emil Frey group

Allow us to advise you without obligation

Our main points of focus in the area of fleet management

Fleet ana­lys­is

With us, a col­lab­or­a­tion always starts with an ana­lys­is of your fleet. Dur­ing this pro­cess, we determ­ine exactly where the poten­tials for optim­isa­tion and sav­ings are to be found. In addi­tion to the choice and con­fig­ur­a­tion of the vehicles, this also includes tak­ing an in-house car policy into account. If developed well, this con­trib­utes both to the motiv­a­tion of the employ­ees and a more cost-effect­ive oper­a­tion of the fleet.

Selec­tion of vehicles and models

Wheth­er they are mostly identic­al or there are sev­er­al indi­vidu­al vehicles. If you want to change or expand your fleet, we will be pleased to advise you on the choice of vehicle and mod­el. We know the require­ments sur­round­ing pas­sen­ger and com­mer­cial vehicles in the vari­ous sec­tors, and will be pleased to sup­port you in the selec­tion of the ideal vehicles for your company.

Fisc­al and leg­al issues

A vari­ety of fisc­al and leg­al issues need to be con­sidered regard­ing the fleet, from road tax through to cus­toms clear­ance. There is fre­quently a hid­den poten­tial for optim­isa­tion in this field which is only used very rarely. We will also be pleased to provide you with detailed advice in this area.


What forms of fleet management are available?

It is possible to distinguish between several levels of service in fleet management. Full-service leasing with wide-ranging services surrounding service and management. Management only with independent vehicle financing by the lessee. Finance only for straightforward financing, without an obligation to purchase after the end of the useful life. Sales-and-leaseback for existing fleets.

What is understood by fleet management?

Fleet management means the management, oversight and optimisation of a vehicle fleet, i.e. a company vehicle fleet. Vehicle fleet management has the same meaning.

What are the objectives of fleet management?

Efficient fleet management leads to or achieves potential savings, optimises the composition of the fleet, and also enables long-term planning capability and costs which can be calculated in advance.

For whom is fleet management of interest?

Fleet management is used wherever a vehicle fleet exists, or is likely to exist, in the near future. If it is provided on a considered and efficient basis, companies can save money and increase the levels of employee motivation and security at the same time.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to learn more about our offer? Please do not hes­it­ate and call us. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.


Massimili­ano Vena