Fleet management by MF Fleetmanagement

We specialise in full-service leasing, the all-round carefree package for your fleet. We can take care of all matters related to your fleet. However, in some scenarios it makes sense to outsource individual aspects. We are the right partner for that, too. We will take care of:

Fleet pro­cure­ment

We are happy to advise you fully when it comes to select­ing your vehicles and offer you attract­ive cor­por­ate cli­ent interest rates for financing.

Fleet man­age­ment

We con­tinu­ously ana­lyse and stream­line your fleet and look after ser­vi­cing and tyres.

Mobil­ity & insurance

We will take care of insur­ances and offer you a mobil­ity guar­an­tee: If there is a prob­lem, we’ll arrange for a replace­ment vehicle and pick you up.

Allow us to advise you!

We have many years of exper­i­ence with fleet man­age­ment in Switzer­land and are at your ser­vice for any ques­tions you may have.

Make an appointment

Our fleet management offers

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The right vehicles

We sup­port you when it comes to select­ing the right vehicles for your fleet. We have mech­an­isms which make oper­at­ing the fleet as easy as pos­sible, from chan­ging tyres to fuel billing.

Favour­able conditions

We con­tinu­ously ana­lyse your fleet and will make sure that you don’t miss any oppor­tun­ity to save. And: When enjoy­ing our ser­vices, you will be bene­fit­ing from our extens­ive net­work and our con­di­tions for large-scale clients.

High per­form­ance transparency

In advance we care­fully cal­cu­late the costs you can expect for your fleet in the years to come. Our online fleet report­er always keeps you up to date on your costs.

Per­son­al support

Anoth­er reas­on why our long-estab­lished cus­tom­er rela­tions are so suc­cess­ful is that we have a well-estab­lished team of know­ledge­able employ­ees, many of whom have been with us for a very long time.

Learn more about us!

Your advantages

  • Less admin­is­trat­ive work
  • Con­tinu­ous stream­lin­ing of costs
  • Man­age­ment, leas­ing, and ser­vi­cing from one source
  • Mod­er­ate min­im­um fleet sizes (from five vehicles)
  • Inter­na­tion­al/cross-coun­try ser­vice car use


What is a fleet?

A fleet is all of a company’s, an authority’s, or an organisation’s vehicles.

What does a fleet include?

A fleet includes all vehicles of a company: the passenger cars, the commercial vehicles and the lorries, plus special vehicles such as forklifts used within the company.

What tasks does fleet management comprise?

Fleet management includes managing the fleet, purchasing or leasing, as well as servicing and insuring the vehicles of a fleet. It also includes route planning and ensuring compliance with any legal regulations.

How many vehicles are in a fleet?

There is no minimum size or upper limit for a fleet. Even with just a few vehicles a company can do many different tasks.

Who might be interested in fleet management?

Fleet management is used wherever a vehicle fleet exists or is likely to exist in the near future. If it is provided on a well-organised and efficient basis, companies can save money and increase the levels of employee motivation and security at the same time.

Is there a minimum fleet size for fleet management?

Fleet management can be of interest to small and very small businesses. Even if there are only a few vehicles, there are still attractive offers.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to learn more about our offer? Don’t hes­it­ate. Give us a call. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you.


Massimili­ano Vena

How do you like our fleet man­age­ment offers?